
CVA Focus Group Discussions lead to Traffic Sign Installations near School

19:05 Dec 22 2014 Akhtala, Lori, Armenia

Installation of traffic signs

During CV&A focus group discussions in Akhtala N2 School with parents, teachers and children the issues regarding to speed limitation signs on the road passing by the school have been discussed. The road passing by the school is very close to school and it’s the only way to school for children, where cars were speeding and making them dangerous for the children as there weren’t any speed limitation signs in order to regulate and to warn drivers on speed limitation. Student Council of School N2 of Akhtala community has initiated creation of various committees, among which students gave high importance to those for journalism and advocacy. Within the framework of the latter, the SC has investigated the road legislation in RA and applied to Traffic Police to install speed limitation signs on the road passing by the school. As a follow-up action police department met with school director and community head. After exploring the area and making appropriate notes they promised to solve the issue. The request was followed up by the Police and traffic signs were installed by means of the LSG. From the words of SC President: We can say that each child’s life was endangered before and we are enthusiastic that we are able to unite and protect ourselves. I hope that based on this small success we will continue our achievements for future.
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