Zambia Evaluation outcomes for CVA to 2012 (as part of multi-country evaluations):
Health Outcomes:
1. Out of five (5) target health facilities and communities four (4) have reported additional deployment of qualified staff following successful engagement between communities and key District Government Officials
2. Community members have reported reduced waiting hours i.e. from 6 hours to 2 hours (Lungobe and Shimukunami RHCs). Similarly, staff work load has reduced resulting in improved performance and attitude of many health staff, some of whom were indifferent or arrogant and are now welcoming and cheerful.
3. The Community of Milopa successfully lobbied Lufwanyama District to locate 1 out of 10 allocated clinics to their area by 2015.
4. Some health facilities have reported adequate and consistent availability of essential drugs
6. There was an increase of 7% and 64% in deliveries conducted at health centers for Chibombo and Lufwanyama Districts respectively between 2011 and 2012.
7. Chibombo recorded an upward movement of 3% in under-5 immunization between 2011 and 2012
1. Musoka and Chisenga Primary schools received additional teachers after the community engaged with the District Education Officials, that is, five (5) for Musoka and one (1) for Chisenga.
2. Two staff houses are under construction at Kabulwebulwe primary school after community members and Government decided to work together
3. 60 additional desks were delivered to Musoka primary school following a community gathering. The desk-pupil ratio reduced from 1:6 to 1:3.
4. Following a sensitization meeting on education policy, Milulu primary school in Lufwanyama had an exponential increase in enrolments from 207 (December 2012) to 431 (January 2013).
Cross-cutting Achievements:
1. Both service providers and users have increasingly come to appreciate that they are partners in development
2. About 4500 community members (2205 women and girls and 2295 men and boys) are able to articulate policy entitlements in health and education sectors
3. Three (3) traditional leaders in the project operation areas have openly affirmed the value of the project in fostering development.
4. Community participation in development initiatives has improved thanks also to the project. community participation, often times, include making contributions of 25% upfront materials: sand, bricks and crushed stones, during construction projects
5. All target communities have reported increased engagement with significant development actors in their respective areas. Regular meetings are organized and ensuing plans are often influenced by the input of community members.
6. The project has fostered maximum participation of both men and women in social accountability processes.
7. Initial target districts were trained in disability inclusion and have made considerable efforts to work with people living with disabilities. As one of the proxy indicators, no cases of discrimination were reported during the period under review.
Unexpected Desirable Outcomes:
Because of the good results, some community members and Government officials were interested to see roll-out of CVA to 14 new Districts beyond the original 3 Districts. This was undertaken between November 2012 and February 2013.
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