
Southern Africa Region Social Accountability Learning Lab - What We Learned

16:23 Jun 8 2015 Berea District, Lesotho

On DAY ONE of the SAR CVA Learning Lab, we heard from GOVERNMENT PARTNERS on how they've worked with CVA groups for improvements in health, education, disaster risk reduction (DRR), civil (birth) registration, and child protection. Read about it in the Monday edition of the Accountability Times

On DAY TWO of the SAR Learning Lab, we learned FROM COMMUNITIES themselves how CVA is driving changes in child protection, health, education, disaster risk reduction, birth/civil registration, and WASH. Read about it in the Tuesday edition of the Accountability Times

On DAY 3 of the SAR Learning Lab, we heard from MPs and the Deputy Minister for Health. We continued to visit CVA groups in 3 ADPs to learn how citizens worked with their local governments for improved resilience, education, disaster risk and management, and health. Read about it in the WEDNESDAY edition of the Accountability Times.

Click HERE for the THURSDAY issue.

FRIDAY issue.
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