
Expanding Healthy Timing & Spacing of Pregnancies/Family Planning through CVA in India

15:20 Aug 8 2015 Uttar Pradesh, India

Expanding Healthy Timing & Spacing of Pregnancies/Family Planning through CVA in India
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It’s a crowded room—26 members of the Birouli Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee (VHSNC) meet in the Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh, India. They, working with village men and women, are planning to improve maternal, neonatal, and child health services in their community. The village’s Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Sub-Center (ANM) has been closed for months, cutting community access to maternal and child health services. This community will use World Vision’s social accountability approach, Citizen Voice and Action, to learn how to meet with government service providers and develop a joint action plan to improve services.

Mobilizing for maternal and neonatal health through birth spacing and advocacy (MOMENT) is a three-year project, aiming to improve maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) through two strategies. First, it increases community engagement in country-led Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy / Family Planning programs (HTSP/FP). Secondly, it uses the promotion of advocacy for global health by encouraging the U.S. and Canadian governments to support robust global health funding commitments. In India, MOMENT is working in rural Hardoi district and urban Lucknow, in Uttar Pradesh state, which is one of the country’s poorest states. The contraceptive prevalence rate is one of the lowest in the country, with only 22.9 percent of women of reproductive age using a modern method of contraception in Hardoi and 39 percent in Lucknow.2

The MOMENT baseline survey in November 2013 found that 55 percent of married women of reproductive age were not currently using a method of family planning, and 39 percent of women did not know of a source for family planning methods.3 Through multiple social and behavior change strategies, MOMENT is creating a movement of change and awareness about HTSP and FP and in addition is using a Citizen Voice and Action strategy to mobilize these communities to take action to improve family planning services in their communities.


For Further Information
Varghese Jacob | Senior Project Manager, WV India, MOMENT Project | E-mail:
Susan Otchere | Project Director, World Vision, Inc., MOMENT Project | E-mail:

The MOMENT Project is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with the goal of improving awareness of healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy and family planning for improving maternal and child health outcomes.
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