
Increased Enrolment and Academic Performance in Government Aided Primary Schools in Bundibugyo District

06:49 Aug 26 2015 Bundibugyo district in Western Uganda

Government Aided Primary Schools in the greater Kasitu Sub Counties, Bundibugyo District were performing poorly in terms of school enrolment and PLE results.
Between 2007 and 2010, the rate of school drop outs, early marriages and poor performance was at 65%. This was attributed to a number of factors that were being perpetuated by both parents, teachers, Local Government Officials and Politicians.

Most parents didn’t take education as a serious matter by not providing the school necessities to their children e.g. scholastic materials and providing lunch to the children. Parents didn’t know the rights of children and this why they could influence their children to marry while still young.

Teachers were not effectively teaching and some were using corporal punishment, being absent, coming to school late and leaving before time. This was due to lack of inspection by the Inspector of Schools and DEO’s office. Parents, LCs, SMC and PTA were not fully monitoring the progress of the school. There was misinterpretation of the UPE policy by both politicians and parents who thought UPE was “free” without parents contributing something.

There was unnecessary transfer of teachers based on political interest and bias. Structures like SMC and PTA were not in the know of what they were supposed to do in terms of improving school performance.

In 2011, serious sensitization was carried out in the villages, churches trading centres and even wedding ceremonies. And this was done by community advocates. The major emphasis was on educating the public on the value of education, promotion and protection of children’s rights.

In 2012, dialogue meetings were conducted by CVA trained members in different schools with different stakeholders to discuss issues of improving academic performance and reducing school drop-out.

A number of strategies were reached at in these meetings for implementation. Parents pledged to provide food to their children while at school. Parents accepted to contribute UGX 6,000 each to facilitate remedial teaching and UGX 1,500 to cater for teachers’ lunch.

In the same meeting that was held at Burambagira Primary School, the DEO pledged to stop transferring teachers on grounds of political interference. He further committed that more teachers were to be recruited and posted to schools which have less teachers.

In 2013, serious engagements were made at different levels where resolutions were passed in Local Councils and Sub County Council of arresting parents who were not sending children to school. The above interventions by The CVA Team led to the improvement in academic performance and increase in school enrolment.

Taking a case study of Burambagira Primary School in Ngamba Sub County Bundibugyo District, there was a great improvement in PLE results since 2012 to 2014 respectively.

Year(s) Academic Performance per Division
2014 Div 1 - 18 Div 2 - 22 Div 3 - 00 Div 4 - 02
2013 Div 1 - 02 Div 2 – 28 Div 3 - 06 Div 4 - 07
2012 Div 1 - 00 Div 2 - 11 Div 3 - 37 Div 4 - 06

There has been an increase in enrolment in Burambagira Primary School as seen in table below:
Year Boys Girls Total
2015 401 395 705
2014 308 311 619
2013 246 241 487

• Parents are now providing food to their children in 8 out of 22 schools in the great Kasitu Sub Counties.
• Reduced School drop-out and early marriages practices to 35%.
• Reduced absenteeism of teachers and pupils in schools.

Compiled by Kasitu CVA Team - Bundibugyo District.
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